Port Baker Enterprises

Contact Us
2007 Outdoor Decor
Storm/Hurricane Supplies
2007 Catalogs
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Contact Us

Tell us what you think!

This is where we give our customers a chance to tell us what they think about our web site. Is there anything you would like to see us offer? Do you have any questions or comments? Our business depends on your satisfaction, so please let us know what you think.

Just click this address if you would like to be added to our email list, or if you would like to send us e-mail:


To be placed on our mailing list, use the above email address.  In the "Subject" box, type in "Emailings".  In the body, tell us to place you on our email list and give us the email address where you want it sent.  It's that simple!  You will then receive emails about our specials, where & when  our next craft show will be, and other updates.
You can also write us at:
                   Port Baker Enterprises
                          P.O. Box 7674
                      Seminole, FL 33775

Related Links

In this area, we will include any links related to our business or that we think will interest our customers. We may also provide links to other interesting shops you may want to visit.

Small Business Advancement Center


Better Business Bureau


Port Baker Enterprises; P.O. Box 7674; Seminole, FL 33775

Port Baker Enterprises; P.O. Box 7674; Seminole, FL 33775
Tel/Fax: 727-319-3395 (between the hours of 9 AM & 9 PM EST)
Cell: 727-804-4793 ANYTIME

Should you experience any problems with our website,